what a helpful and fascinating piece!
i've been trying to rearrange 'routines' developed over the last 5 years but additionally brand new 'corona routines' developed midwinter, 2020 that changed wildly and remained constant at the same time.
every new 'lockdown' has been particularly 'habit-forming' on so many levels—some healthy, but those aren't the ones i need to consider changing, eliminating or accepting.
there sure is a lot of self-awareness here for the mining in three fairly simple and relatively easy steps if you're willing.
the state of the world, our country, and my community has become impossible to ignore—oddly [?] coinciding with closing my brick. and mortar business in november, 2016 . w/o going into the painful deets my activism and inner-journalist were slapped-upside-the-head so reading, watching and discovering twitter means marinating in 'it' and generally my work-days are spent w/wolf blitzer and the gang on in the background as i type, haul, or create through my day.
however, 2020 taught me many things including this is a marathon that gets freakier by the mile and is far from over no matter how worn out i am which sounds like 'addiction to negative emotion' which sounds to me like a habit best identified and de-programmed like STAT.
apologies for such a ramble... just found this piece so profound.
thank you~~:-)