we've been negligent, greedy. and lazy stewards of the planet haven't we.
and don't even get me started on how pissed off and mortified i am by all the BIG MONEY being invested and spent on OUTER-FUCKING-SPACE TRAVEL AND DWELLING.
RYFKM, bozo/bezo.
junk up mother earth w/all your prime day trinkets and must-haves... and use your gazillions for ensuring you PREMIUM PRIME colleagues, friends, associates and hangers-ons [cuz not having a few 'poor artsy folk' around would be dull as red dirt on mars, amirite?]... i digress... to RELOCATE in OUTER-FUCKING-SPACE.
the rest of us mere mortals with average yet hard-won incomes get left with a planet reeking and reeling from YOUR GLOBAL FUCKING FRAT PARTY.
i'm so mad i could spit.
thanks for sharing this, hubbs.
and apologies for f-bombs and spitting in your medium abode... guess today was my day TO SNAP.
and may the wind be at your back, mi hermana.