Member-only story
The Life-Changing Magic of Losing All of Your Shit
Real-life, real-time life lessons from a Post-Covid Loser
There are people, places, things, and hell, even states of mind and heart I’ve tried to hold on to for eternity which may explain why I became a proprietress and peddler of the past.
An antique dealer. A curator and collector of relics. A vintage bon vivant.
Thirty-some-odd years, countless hours, and 9,000 sq. ft. of warehouse— bulging at the seams from miles and miles of foraging and gathering—hauled, homed, and, at last, artfully staged in total.
I would fight for everything and all of it and more, yet go on to lose epically after my Post-Covid eviction.
And the landlord’s Post-Covid opportunity and avarice would rage on until he not only swallowed my livelihood but ultimately everything I owned there—family heirlooms and lifetimes of memories included.
Shit Happens. Everything Changes. And nothing will ever be the same.
I am so fucked.
Why is this happening TO ME?
I want to die.
And I do, sort of.