thank you for writing this.
as a genetically gifted old woman who MAY have entertained more of the anti-aging and body-[for me it would have been BOOTY]-boosts, etc. if i was economically opulent AND bored?
i'm neither and was oddly grateful to covid for 'forcing' me to GO WITHOUT for a year.
manicures, pedicures, cut n' colors, a bitta botox here n' there.
it's 2022.. and while i get my hair cut every 10 weeks or so... i let my grey-hairs FLY [and boy do they ever... the greys are stubborn AF].
that said... i've been dogging my damn self over my refusal to get back on the 'self-care/self-love horse'.
men get 'ruggedly handsome'.
women can't win SO i'm not playing.