thank you~
we are not alone in. our feelings. ever.
and because we're human beans we also. react differently.
an ex of mine shared his theory... *we* [per he] are given x-number orgasms. yep.
an allotment so to speak.
once you #gotyours that's it. the end.
so long big. bang.
his solution to his [personal] theory was to simply not waste his numbered ejaculations.
aside from thinking his theory was some bat-shit crazy thinking—plus i avoid any form of math :-)—my solution as well. different.
to put it frankly and gently imma believer in the abundance theory.
aka: why operate from how often you lose when you can simply increase your chances of winning... generally speaking.
i hope i've been helpful because it's definitely HIGH. TIME we live our lives by design... like especially THESE TIMES [ffs] and at any age... but if you're a kid [under 59.5] get moving on the design part, please.
:-) from highly designed high branches