tell the truth and shame the devil, hubbs.
i had quite the ambitious 2-year recovery plan to downsize what i salvaged from the severe ass and soul-WOOPING that started with a 5-alarm fire in 2018 only to end brutally... like RODAN CRASHING TO EARTH WITH ONE WING ON FIRE in 2021 thanks to THE RONA and my landlord's insatiable greed.
how was i to know my hardy, never-say-die constitution would be so FUBAR i'd lose well-honed survival skills that have served me... UNTIL THE RONA kinda changed everything?
which made me even more grateful for you, hubbs... as you've been a north star i could track... reminding me to stay on track trusting i'd find my chops and sea-legs EVENTUALLY.
safe travels back to the west coast... look forward to staying tethered here or on walkabout saga.
hoping to launch my own patreon channel once i get used to the new old me... the one that wears her feelings on the outside in a brand new world crawling with BIG CATS, prickly animals, and a bunch of dazed and confused earthlings like me.
happy trails, hubbs.