re-birthed my inner writer here on medium while on lockdown in early 2020.
2021 was the year my business and warehouse lease was set to 'expire'... it was the time i planned to retire to be of service to the planet however it needed me... and it needs all of us, fwiw...and also write memoir FT.
in january 2021 and throughout the year, i experienced what i ultimately labeled an exorcism... i was 'joking' i was also convinced it was true... unexplained, uncontrollable hurling [as in puking, erf, sorry!] something i ultimately and totally discovered 'on accident' and desperate to stop the hurls— chinese traditional acupuncture would ultimately help 'balance-away' for lack of a better description.
in june 2021 my commercial landlord evicted me from my 9,000 sq. ft. warehouse and personal storage—i was a vintage clothing, antique, and art collector—winning his case in california court YET HE DEFIED the same court by not allowing me to collect my personal effects... think slow-motion-fire. i lost my and my family's personal, physical heirloom and history all at the same time.
yep. AND JUST LIKE THAT... bye bye belongings.
in august 2021, after being over-stimulated externally by what had happened in june—my physical body sent me a stress signal so dark and intense i could hear through the cold & hot fog of my body shutting down... my friends with me at the time asking each other if it's 'time to call the ambulance?'... the fear and panic in their tone cutting through my distress as i fixed my mouth to croak...'i can't afford an ambulance. please don't leave me. please don't leave me.'
and i fought the dark whirlpool dragging me down from the lawn on the street where i live back to LIVING LIFE one way or another... since not only did i need to finish the job i was working on when i 'lost my shit again'... only now it was going to be agency over my earth-suit.
that gets your attention. only i'm thick-headed and/or have low self-worth so it took other 'incidents' where i've soaked up the toxic-vibe du jour only to wonder why i'm feeling so down physically and emotionally.
on the other hand... ever since that specific incident in august, 2021...overwhelming my system whether positively, negatively, knowingly or utterly Spiritual Robot goes freakin' bananas... WARNING! WARNING WILL ROBINSON... I MEAN AUDREY WELLS, WARNING!
and after reading your piece i more clearly can see and have empathy... hahaha... for my extremely empathic nature and it's not only A THING... but a real thing with the need to consider its physical as well as intentional manifestations! i've never been able to see and/or respect those very real connections or consequences.
just celebrated my 63rd bday on 2.2.2022.
while exactly how i'll reset my new old life and whhere i'll rebirth it may still be a work in progress—the why of what's next seems very clear...teaching everyone and anyone—especially THE CHILDREN—[miss kimberly fosu and i figured that out quite accidentally yet joyfully in another incident of cosmic kismet. :) and
all of this rambling... omg, not planned! yet here we aree :) is to say THANK YOU!!!
WE each need to stop ignoring or fighting what the cosmos wants us to see and know for ourselves and the greater good.
and better late than never, amirite?