most excellent!
always fancied myself an *eager* learner but what i’ve learned [the hard way… cuz *the ease-ful way* is something i’m still LEARNING] is i really want to skip the *learning* part and jump right smack into *mastering*.
what. a. cruel joke. [to play on me most of my life]
so it’s taken a bloody pandemic with its swirly, sticky, flying particulates to force me to make #shelteringinplace my daily routine as my life’s work isn’t actually considered “essential” to anyone but me mostly, therefore, i don’t need to RUSH AROUND anymore so i’m sitting my ass down and LEARNING which means i’m not only figuring out how do things… like REALLY DO THEM… not just get *good enough* to HACK-my-way-by.
AND it’s been such a profound LEARNING EXPERIENCE i’ll likely never go back to being a HACK [nevermind how i wish i had figgered this shit out about 3 decades sooner, oh well].
so many thanks for illuminating my light bulb.
p.s. :-) happy spring!