i am so grateful a young woman is intelligent, insightful, and unwilling to be cowed or swooned by THE GOOD OL' BOYS RIGGED & TOXIC CLUB of dinosaurs and dino-wannabes.
i'm being evicted out of 9,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space after 30+ years in a brick and mortar antique business, both here in sacramento and san francisco.
i appeared without an attorney so i could put the $5k [that i don't have liquid] required for representation towards MOVING 9,000 sq. ft. in FIVE DAYS [btw... took me $25k and 6 mos. to move my stuff in there, and i was the unpaid LEAD FOREMAN for the two-men and a pick-up truck i used to haul my stuff to this warehouse after my last space nearly burnt to the ground... and THAT was its own lesson in toxic-greed and corporate bullying... but i digress.
please keep writing. please stay LOUD AND PROUD... our country is LOSING our YOUNG and kicking our ELDERS in the ribs... because they can, and they want IT ALL.
once my own nightmare has ended [at least it won't go longer than 5 days... amirite? :-/]... i'll be here on medium and anywhere else i can DO MY OWN SHOUTING...
save our youth! save our planet!! save our souls!!!
before? it's too late...
ty, ms. wildfire.