holy cow... ty for telling the truth and shaming the devil [someone else said this...] and i'm not looking it up or citing it... but maybe i better? but why... i'm just praising a colleague who's [or whom? whose? fukfukfuk]... but i'm writing and trying to make that cheddar writing so i better be on gram...[as in grammar... but holy smokes...THE. GRAM. #2020!]...i'm behind on social media too... wat where was i? oh yea... i love writing but i love writing. badly. [BADly] but now that i'm writing for dollars [more like cents, frankly] i'm all i can't afford to write like a lame [do i need a pen name?]... and THIS MESS is to blocky...needs to be broken up for M-readers. donchaknow?
so yep.
feels. and. preach.
p.s. and when your entire skillset is one big ART-drven-brain. and body-fest... well... ur... better figure out how to FLY w/a ball n' chain
p.s.s. and if you do figure it out... for goooodness sakes do PEN A BLOG POST ABOUT IT! <3<3<3