good grief that was a bleak read and yet i'm damn glad i didn't bail on it in spite of my now soured stomach.
we've really buggered up a good thing didn't we?
i can't bear to sit idly by and watch this slow-motion train wreck happen to the country my father risked his life fighting for in Viet Nam... as if that solved anything.
one likely naive question i have based on your grim but insightful forecast is what can i/we do before the next U.S. election that MIGHT support willful resistance to this inevitable, inequitable economic divide?
there was a time when voting democrat insured my vote supported the party of the people but the view from my 63-year old perch says it's 2022 and you fell for a crock of crap.
on the other hand, i'd crawl through miles of sewage to cast a vote against the likes of the trumps, so here we are and here we go agan.
it's a horror.
if you have any suggestions or feedback that might help me see otherwise, i'd be keen for it.
happy monday :)