darling janice~
i'm appointing myself ambassador in our Land of Old Age... the actual Land of the Free and Home of the BRAVE, af.
i love your entire vibe and this piece... almost glossed over it... joyful i didn't!
you, m'selle are a bad ass.
and you've inspired me to revive my dream of learning and speaking french... because JOI DE VIE, sister!
i'll be 63 on groundhog's day and have a 13-year old grandson... i FEEL the humiliation of perhaps being seen as ANTIQUATED.
let's kick that to the curb or better yet... let someone steal it our 'antiques' right out from under us [it's happened to me... it's horrifyingly freeing].
you are exultance personified... pardonez-moi but fuck the Chignon.