**But as the days passed, my super-productivity transitioned to something resembling sloth.***
[and thank u for the best and well-timed article for this here sloth… that i almost skipped!]
this week has felt like breast-stroking through oatmeal when the weekend before felt like…hmmm! methinks i could get used to this whole lockdown life, in fact, i just might be killing it, all things considered…blah-blah-BAM.
it’s pretty hard to kill anything when you’re crying and even harder when you have no fuqqing idea WHY? [aside from fuqqing EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW].
and it’s these exact times based on what i’ve been forced to learn about myself [thanks to so many Medium contributors] is immabout to do something really dumb or self-sabotaging [prolly dumb… like it’s a great time for me to learn french [italian? japanese? all three!] cuz… imma *productivity-lemming* and think and act like an over-achiever until i flame out… and again i know this from trauma-school AND thanks to aforementioned peeps… but self-sabotage is patient.
so more thanks again… today is also the day i’ve learned my state [cali] is extending #shelterathome until may 16th… and President Whopper-Man wants shit to go back to his version of abnormal and perverse #winning like tomorrow… and i really need to wonder why it feels like the only thing i feel like crushing is his big-empty-anvil-shaped head with my thumb and index fingers… wooops. see what i’m saying?
happy thursday, btw :-) from the treetops