guess i don’t get to write myself off as a *complicated weirdo* only capable of bonding with another *complicated weirdo*, therefore, should simply accept my weirdo solitude and get on with my weirdo life.
now i have this list of [holy cow] 10 Things I Now Realize I’m Doing Because I’m Actually Insatiably Lonely [and a Total Scaredy-Cat] when it comes to the demands and responsibilities of being *in a relationship* [ugh].
after spending the last 25-years in a relationship with *my perfect weirdo*… and spending the more recent last 5-years apparently doing some version of all 10 Things… snarling at anyone who asks me why i don’t *date* or muttering “cuz i’m feral” as an answer… well… frankly is just getting tedious.
thank you for a great article [and a brianna weist quote…omg…she’s a black-belt when it comes to cutting empathetically thru the survival-skills-bull-shit we survivors tell ourselves on the reg] and thank you for stopping at 10. :-)
happy v-day, by the way…[rme]