ask any died in the wool disc-era survivor for that answer.
however, i'd avoid the old chestnuts marinating in the past and fantasizing the future.
i know this because i'm one tough ol' nut and it ain't all that, my friend.
that gnawing, gaping hole needs a hug only you can give it.
sounds pretty lame, doesn't it?
i know. i thought so too.
on the other hand, you're still a spring-chicken... but the gap between that and crotchety old rooster closes exponentially faster with age.
especially in the mean ol' world we're living in today.
i know. i've been running the same marathon—going for the gold for at least a couple decades longer than you.
pro-tip... it never ends.
no medals. no kiss. no KY.
but if you're asking the hard questions, i'd put money on you finding the hard answers.
:-) <3