apologies for mucking up your essay w/highlights but you've touched on so many points that resonate... from Barbie to Taylor... one man told me you hate men... and that was in 8th grade... and mind you, i believe you and i are the around the same age so generationally we're sisters.
my north and south nodes are opposite... [same fate only different in how they manifest perhaps?] and my moon is in sagittarius... fire, fire, fire.
i chose to give up alcohol and weed on 7/22... my instincts and the cosmos alerting me to the importance of being clear-headed and w/o filters or lubricants to numb me for Act III of my tenure as a crone and earthling during our planet's current dramatic/traumatic shift and pluto's inevitable destruction and transformation.
thank you again for being a beacon and shoulder-to-shoulder with readers like me.
peace. love, sisterhood, and light, louise.