all i can say is one time i was reading an article here on medium and the article was blowing my mind like every other sentence [in a good way, btw].
this compelled me to highlight and comment... with complete sincerity and respect for what the author was saying [some humor added in, since i can't help myself... also, btw].
i was told by a commenter i was *spamming* and that i need to *cool my jets* [parahrasing on the jets]. but they were clearly not pleased.
i apologized. i'm old and relatively new to medium so... well... i goofed, i guess.
not sure how this relates to your story... [people who continue doing something, AFTER you've asked them not to, is just assholiness [imho, btw]—so that said—"Your shitty story is not a comment, mmmmk?" and commenting on medium isn't shitty, but maybe poor form.
:-) <3<3<3